Monday 13 June 2011

Artist Introduction

Hello, my name is Tyler Doucet I am a grade 12 Communications Technologies student at Holy Cross Secondary School and I am a part of the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program, a focus program in Com Tech. I have taken Com Tech in grade 10, 11 and 12 and I really had fun in every part of it. I actually enjoyed filming and editing videos the most because when you finish a project that you have put a lot of time and effort into it feels really good that you did your best and created a piece you know people will enjoy watching. Taking and editing photos in Photoshop was also really fun because in taking the photos you learn a lot about perspective, angles, color, mergers, position, what shots look good and what shots do not look as good. Through SHSM it has really helped my artistic side of taking a photographs.  Designing logos in InDesign was a little more difficult for me than the production aspect because it involved drawing, which I am not particularly good at but I’m getting better. After high school I plan on going to either Ryerson University and take their Film Studies Program or their Radio, Television, Audio/Video Production program or I might go to NASCAD and take their Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Film, in order to go into Video & TV Production when I finish University. I am also kind of interested in the programs available at Guelph Humber along the same lines. I would love to hear form any body with experience in any of these programs. Tips on how to launch a career in TV and Film would be cool too.

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