Thursday 16 June 2011


Architectural Photo

The first type of photos we took in class was the architecture photo. To take these photos our class was taken to downtown Kingston to find buildings that fit in to 12 categories and take pictures of them. The photo I chose was one I took of St. Mary’s Cathedral I picked this picture because it involves a lot of the themes we had to look for in our picture-taking excursion. This photo includes, the religion aspect because it is a picture of a cathedral, heritage because it was one of the first buildings built in Kingston, it is framed by the leaves and has a lot of detail with the brickwork and crosses. It was a lot of fun taking the photos and learning about architecture and how to take good out door photos.

Head Shot

The other photography project we worked on as the studio portrait project. For this project we used the Nikon D5000 to take the picture. We also used professional flashes to produce a Rembrandt light which when the photo is taken produces a triangle of light over the eye of the non-illuminated side of your subjects face. The camera settings were set to an ISO 200, a shutter speed of 1/125 to match the speed of the flashes and an F-stop of 16 to allow less light in, to make the background darker. It was a lot of fun but it took a long time to get the camera to the right levels to take a good picture and it was a very interesting experience thinking outside the box to take a creative photo.

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