Tuesday 14 June 2011

Graphic Design

Personal Logo

For my personal logo I used InDesign on a Mac Desktop in the Holy Cross Com Tech Room. The design I selected is known as a clapperboard a well known item in the film and TV industry. It represents my goal to become as well known as the clapperboard in the same industries. The colors of silver and gold around the black are representative of wealth and success I hope to achieve with a production company named after me.

DVD Case Cover

Using a Mac version of Adobe Photoshop, and the same Mac Desktop I created a DVD case cover for Holy Cross Secondary School’s 25th Anniversary video.  For my design concept I kept the front simple to represent the school and mark the anniversary occasion. On the back I wanted to give a picture of the many different activities over the years at our very busy school. I used apple chancery a fancy but legible typeface for the front and spine. On the back I used a font that could be clearly seen over the photos but not take away from the pictures. I selected green as the main color, which is one of the school’s colors. Although the other color is silver I used white instead for the font because it is close and shows up better. The 25th Anniversary logo is the same used by the school for all the anniversary advertising and the picture of the school is from a photo disk of images and shows what the school looks like today. The collage of pictures on the back captures photos from the past ad present and includes a shot of the groundbreaking ceremony for the school.

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