Wednesday 15 June 2011



The first video productions I made in class were the intros/bumpers for the main tech events going on this year. The first one I created using the Mac Desktop was for the 25th Anniversary video for Holy Cross Secondary School. Some of the software I used included Soundtrack Pro for the music and chime sound effects, Motion for the feathers unveiling the logo and Final Cut Pro to not only put it all together but to add the motion and the ripple effect on the logo. I also created one for the KASSAA Game of the Week using the same hardware and software in the same way. Along with the other two I created one to be used for the Holy Cross Television (HCTV) podcasts we do at the school. The feel I was trying to communicate for each one was something that made sense to the topic for example; for the 25th Anniversary bumper I wanted something formal to suit the occasion, for KASSAA I wanted something that represented sports and for the HCTV bumper I made it to simulate the beginning of a news broadcast.

Anniversary Video

The other video production I helped make was a part of the Holy Cross 25th Anniversary video. My group and I worked on the What Makes Holy Cross Special section of the video. I was the videographer specializing in the video filming and editing where I filmed the subjects of the video and in some cases the background shots, chose the best looking clip, edited out the blue screen and added the effects on the background all using Final Cut Pro on the Mac Desktop. The reason we used the blue screen is so that we can take the video of the person we are interviewing and edit out the blue screen and put in the background which is footage of what the subject is talking about. Altogether it was a challenging but fun experience getting to see what people who have graduated or are still at the school think Holy Cross.